This is created for your enjoyment to show you some of my favorite things to do!

Nov 20, 2007

Wow Where Have I Been.......

Hello there everyone!!! Stampin' Valley Girl is back on the Blog band wagon after along down time!! For those of you who do not jnow where I was I was in the process of building a house, working, finding out I was going to have a baby, moving and now getting ready for the baby to arrive!!!

So this is why I have been on the missing!!!! Hopefully now that I have moved and have HIGH SPEED INTERNET (excited) I will be able to start posting more often so make sure that you check back on a regular basis!!!!!!

Till next time!!!

Apr 6, 2007

Doodle Time!!!

Well hope this has been worth the wait.....I finally took well actually MADE some time to stamp tonight!!! So I decided to break in Doodle This. I love this stamp set and I am so glad that I got it!!! When ever I look at it I just have to smile. I like the fact that it looks like someone actually drew the little doodle....hence the name LOL!!! SO I was cruising on SCS and seen this card so I decided to CASE it. Here the card base is Certainly Celery, I then used a Cool Caribbean piece of CS and paper pierced it and then I put some Polka dots and Paisley DS paper. I stamped teh squiggle on CC with white craft ink. I then stamped the doodle flowers on WW with BB, and water colored them in. I cut them out (which I will never do again, but it was not near as bad as the trees!!) and stuck them together with a flower brad. Slapped on a pop dot and put it on the card. I then finished it off with some of my AWESOME ribbon from Jody's Ribbon Swap and TA-DA the card that you have all been waiting for!!!

Speaking of Jody's Ribbon Swap, I received a package from her on Thursday with so May Arts ribbon that I ordered. It is so delish!!! I will post a pic tomorrow. I have not received my polka dot ribbon share yet, as a couple of the colors were on back order. I think she said that they will be in the mail by next week. I will keep you all posted. Why don't you all head over to her blog Confessions of a Ribbon Addict and check out the awesome share that she has going on right now!!! Of course I have placed my order!!!!

That's all for now!!! Happy Stamping!!!

Apr 2, 2007

Missing in Action???

OMG.....My faithful blog readers, I am so sorry for the lack of posting that I have done in the month of March!!!! I have just been so wrapped up with the arrival of our new nephew, the building of our new house, and me working all of the wonky hours at my place of employment!! I know that is no excuse!! So I just thought that I would update you that I am still going strong!
Now I do have to admit that I have not stamped, scrapped, or altered anything in that whole length of time that I took off. But once I get all of my stuff together I will have some wonderful creations for you to check back on!!!
Now I am not going to give you a time to check back on in case I do not honour that!! But keep coming back to see the wonderful stuff that I will have made!!!
Once again THANK YOU for checking up on me!!!!
*HUGS* Michelle

Mar 17, 2007

He's Finally Here!!

The first baby Marshall has finally arrived!!! Lucas Patrick Marshall lept into this world at 11:30ish this am, weighing 8lbs 91/2 ozs!!!! After a long long long night he finally decided to come out this morning. At first Victoria was going to name him Lucas, but she said that if he was bonr on St. Patrick's Day that she would use Patrick as a middle name!! I have not yet been to see him and it is so totally killing me. I think that maybe tomorrow I will go and pay a visit. So here is the card that I made for the new baby and mom.

The card uses one of the new spring mini sets called 'Bundle of Joy' I love this tamp set!!! The card base is barley banana, the next layer is , very vanilla, and the bashful blue stamped with canvas in bashful blue. I then used my markers and inked part of the announcement stamp and only stamped bundle of joy on very vanilla cs and punched it out with my sm oval punch, mounted it on gable green punched with my lg punch. Stamped that cute bear in basic brown used my markers to color him in, mounted him on barley banana, added some ribbon from Jody's swap and there you have it. The ribbon that I put on the card matches the barley banana cs, excellent!!!

That's all for now from Auntie Michelle :)

Mar 16, 2007

Bodacious Bouquet

Here is the other card that I totally cased from Atomic Butterfly. I used all of the same paper and ink. The card is a little bit larger that the other card I made last night. It is a 51/2" square this time instead of a 5x5 square. I used Always Artichoke for the card base then I used some of the Sarah DS paper. I used always artichoke and apricot appeal markers to ink up my stamps. I used Bodacious Bouquet and Small Sayings. Added some more hodgepodge HW, and a non SU brad, and tied it together with my awesome ribbon from Jody's Ribbon share.

Now for something non stamping related!!!! I am going to be a Aunt anytime now!!! We got the phone call at 7:30 pm that my SIL was in the hospital. Her contractions at that time were 6 mins apart and her water had not broke at that time. They were up walking around to try and help her progress. I was going to go to the hospital but I have to work in the morning at 7:00am and probably would not make it if we get that big storm. I called everyone to see if they would switch but of course not!! So I have to stay at home wondering what is going on there. My MIL went to the hospital so she will call and let us know what is going on. I am really disappointed that I am not going to be there to share in this special occasion. Maybe if I did not feel so guilty about missing work I would be sitting there right now. If it was through the week I would not feel as bad, but we are really strapped for workers and it would not be fair to let them work short, at least I think so, but other people do not feel that way! So my MIL took my camera, I hope she gets some good scrapping pics!! LOL I think that me and Chris will go up to the hospital tomorrow if they don't mind. I will call my BIL and ask him what he thinks!!! Well that's all for now. Hope you have a good night! I know I wont get ANY sleep!!!

Mar 15, 2007

Happy, Happy, Happy

I thought that was appropriate because there is just so many Happy's on this card. I just got the stamp set 'Bodacious Bouquet' and I decided to give it a go last night. SO when I got home from work I went to SCS to see if I could get inspired. While I did get inspired I seen this card made by an excellent stamper named Atomic Butterfly. Wow her work is awesome and i think that she may have been one of the featured stampers a couple of Sundays on SCS. SO when I seen this card I just knew I had to CASE it. On her original she used the Sarah DS paper and coordinating colors of CS and ink. I thought That I would change it up and use the Rebecca DS paper and coordinating CS and ink, but I so totally wish that I would have cased heres to a T. But I am some what happy with the out come.

Here's some details about that card. It is a 5x5 square. I paper pierced the Choc. Chip piece of CS in the middle. Distressed the Very Vanilla CS with my Heidi Swapp Paper Distersser, stamped off the Choc. Chip ink to give it the lighter leaves, only used 1/2 of the happy everything stamp, added some GG ribbon and some HPH and there you have it!!! Hope you understand me??!! I just love how the ribbon is wrapped on this card!! I think that I will do the original one tomorrow and post if for you then!! That's it for today!!!

Yay, and brand new episode of Grey's Anatomy tonight YES!!!!!

Mar 14, 2007

Gramas' Quilt

This is what this page reminds me of. I love all of the different Basis Grey Blush papers that I used on this page, everything just flowed together. This is one of my favorite pics from the wedding and there were so many taken!!!

So on this page all that I did was left a 1" border around the outside of the page and cut each block 2x2". So that means that the patterned paper made a 10"square. I left the picture 4x6, added some stickers and there you have it a fairly easy page. I actually was really easy just time consuming, because you had to cut out every square. All I did was cut a 12" piece of PP and cut it every 2" well that was easy and then you have to stick them all down!!! For adhesive I use a easy runner, I like that for my scrap booking because it is cleaner and easier that regular glue. Now for my card making I use the good ol' Stampin' Up Anywhere Glue Stick.

So that all for today. I think that tomorrow I will surprise you with a card creation!!! Stay tuned!!

Mar 13, 2007

Happy Scrappin'

I thought that was an appropriate title for this post because that is what I did last night. I went "Gang Busters" on the scrap booking!!! LOL I made 6 pages last night, I am just so proud of myself. With a little help from PageMaps and ScrapMaps I made these awesome pages. So I am not going to show them to you all at once I will just give you a look at one I did for now.

Well actually it is two pages, it is a double page layout. So for these two pages I used my fabulous Basic Grey Blush paper and some Bazzil Basics textured C/S. I used the Stampin' Up Ticket Corner punch and the Corner Rounder. I used my Short Order Alphabet for the titles and it is stamped in Basic Brown Ink. I had all these stickers and rub ons kicking around and decided to use them. So on the first page I put stickers that said "together" "fate" and "a glance". Th brads at the bottom of the page are from Photo Memories and they were wedding themed. These ones are of a dove and the circle one says "our Wedding Day".

On the second page I used some Dollarama Brads on the 4x6 photo on the corners, I thought that I made it look classic. I added a pocket love note and journaled inside of it with my SU Signo White Gel Pen (LOVE IT). The journaling says "When the doors to the church opened and I seen all of the family and friends standing there, looking at me, I did not think that I would be able to make it down that long isle. But, when I seen you, Chris, standing there looking, and smiling at me, I knew that I would make it down that isle to YOU." Ha ha, I think that I sounds funny because I am not that mushy type of person, but I do like how it turned out! I added some more of those brads from Photo Memories and some non SU ribbon, and the title and ta-da I had finished this layout in about 30 mins. Gotta love that!!!

Well hope you all enjoyed that. Be sure to come back for the rest of the album!!!

Mar 12, 2007

Tangled Up in RIBBON!!!

Well I can't remember if I had said that I participated in a ribbon share in Feb or not, so I will recap what I did. I found this blog from SCS and decided to check it out. And wow what a blog it is!! It just so happened that this lady was doing a ribbon share and I decided to sign up. A ribbon share is when the person hosting it buys vast quantities of ribbon and cuts it up so everyone gets some. Well I'm telling you that I am so glad that I signed up for this!!! Just look at all of the goodies that I received in the mail. When I opened up the box it burst open with ribbon. The ribbon all coordinates with the SU colors, but IT IS NOT STAMPIN' UP RIBBON. This is neat because there are so many colors that you can not buy but you wish that you had. I know that a lot of the girls are buying white ribbon and dying it, which I have done also but I thought that I would give this a try, and I am pleased with the outcome. Not only did I get solid colors but I got striped colors as well. I got 30 different clolrs of solid
ribbon, thats 300 yards WOW, and 10 different colors of striped ribbon which is 100 yards. So I think that I am good on the ribbon for a while!!
Here is the blog address of where I purchased my spot in the ribbon share. I signed up for a polka dot share and that should be arriving in the next couple of weeks as well!!

Mar 11, 2007

It been a while.....

Since my last post. I have to admit that I have been slacking in the card and scrap booking department!!! I did manage to make this totally awesome gift for my friend at work who is having a baby next month. I made her a altered paint can and packed it with lots and lots of goodies that hopefully will come in handy for her and her little bundle of joy.

I had a hard time trying to pick out baby stuff that was either boy or girl, she does not know what she is having. So I decided on some practical stuff like: wash cloths, a bib, a white diaper shirt, baby powder, baby wash, baby soap, baby shampoo, a bottle, and a little toy to finish it off. I also made a post it note holder and altered a pen but did not have any micro beads so it is just covered with paper. The note pad and pen are for her to write down any important milestones that happen and then all she has to do is put it in the pail and then when she goes to preserve them just get the pail and they are all there. I though that was a neat idea, I seen it on another blog that I check.

The paper that I used is from Basic Grey Lily Kate collection and used some non SU ribbon to decorate. I just love how this turned out. I traced my chipboard letters from SU and cut them out and stuck them to the front of the can, they spell BABY. I would have put the baby's name there but since she does not know what she is having I just put that there instead. For the cover I copied the verse from 'A New Little Someone' and put it on the cover. I love that stamp set, I think that I may have to get it. Don't know why but I really like it to make some baby cards with.

Well here's an update on my sister in law: Last Monday she was 1 cm dilated, today her husband had to take her to the hospital because she was showing some signs of early labour, but I guess that I was a false alarm because they sent them home. But a couple of hours after they got home the hospital did call and make sure that she was doing alright. I thought that was really nice of them to do that. So her due date is tomorrow, so hopefully soon I will be a Aunt!! I am so excited for them. I do have to cover those letters that I bought for them so they can put them in the baby's room.

Well guess that is all for now, kinda long seeing how its been a while. I'll try to post something tomorrow. I work 7-3 so hopefully I will be able to come home and do some paper stuff!!!

Till later!!!

Mar 3, 2007

If Only.....

Well I have got to tell you all to go and check out this blog!!! Tammy aka More than a CODmaker e-mailed me this link and you have got to go check out this woman's awesome ways of organizing her photos!!! If I only was so patient and had way more time, maybe mine would look like that!!! Well no photo today just that link!!!
Hope you all out there weathered the storm well like I did!!!!

Mar 1, 2007

Itty Bitty Book

Well I decided to get a quick post in tonight before I retire for the night in front of the t.v. Let's see first I watch ER, and then Gray's Anatomy, and then CSI: and then finish it off with Survivor if I can stay up that late!! Which tonight I probably wont because I have to get up at 5:45 am to go to work tomorrow morning!!!!

So this is one of the Stampin' Up Itty Bitty Books that they have had in the last three mini catalogues. I have a funny feeling that they will be in the next Idea Book and Catalogue. I used the Enchante paper to cover it and my handy dandy Modpodge to glue it down with. I sanded all the edges and sponged them with Elegant Eggplant. Added some non SU ribbon a chipboard tag and some copper cord.

For the inside book I put a piece of my pewter Hodgepodge Hardware on the cover and sponged all around that with Elegant Eggplant too. Not quite sure what type of pictures I am going to put in the book or if I am going to keep it or give it away??!! Haven't made up my mind yet!!

Well my sister in law has not had her baby yet. Mind you she still has 11 days left to go!!! I am so excited for that little bundle of joy to come out so we can all meet him!!!!!

That's all for today. Hope you enjoy your night as much as I will!!!!

Feb 27, 2007

A trip to "Two Much Fun"!!!

Well I know that it has been awhile since I have been posting. I have just been stalking around checking out everybody blogs. Stampin Around made a comment that she thought that we all may have been at our cabins, but no I have not been at the cabin I have been laying around on the couch, and of course working!!! Friday was my only day off last week so I decided to take a trip to Two Much Fun our local scrap booking store. Well what an adventurous trip that was. I had only went there to get some 12x12 paper and pick up two things that I had ordered but you should see what I came out with!!!! LOL!!!! Oh well I am sure that I can find use for all of the stuff that I bought!!! So lets see what did I get?? Well I got my 12x12 Bazzil paper that I wanted, then I needed some more of that awesome Basic Grey paper, then I had to buy three bottles of Stickles, and oh yes I needed some scrapbook paint, then I needed another EZ Runner, and I had almost made it to the cash and seen a Heidi Swapp edge distresser, and then I picked up me Crop-a-dial that I had ordered in, and then the wooden letters that I had also ordered!!! Well I think that is it. So you are all probably saying "lets see some of the creations that you have came up with!!" and the answer is I have not created in like a week!!!! I did come home and got into my Crop-a-dial and had to fight Chris off of it!! I think that he really likes it??!! I did play with that and I punched what ever I could get my hands on to!!! Oh well I was having fun!!!

I do have to work at 11pm tonight. Ahhhhh the dreaded night shift. I think that I will take some stuff with me and work on it!! So check back and see what I have done!!!

Thanks for checking on my blog and leaving me comments!!! I really enjoy the feed back!!!

Feb 21, 2007

No card but......

I do have a scrapbook page to share with you. It is the cover page for my wedding album that I am finally getting around to doing. I still need to add the date to this page. I covered the chip board letters with the Basic Grey paper and mod podged over them. I inked up the alphabets using some Making Memories scrapbook paint. I like the look it gave the stamped letters on the textured C/S. So I started like 2 years ago buying stuff to put in to my wedding album, but a trip to Two Much Fun made me buy all new stuff!! Its funny how one store can put so much pressure on one person!!! So for the 'new' wedding album I am using the Basic Grey Blush paper collection. I love it. I think that I may have mentioned that many other times!! The page that I submitted for the Two Much Fun Happy Heart contest uses the Basic Grey Blush paper so I decided to go from there. I just got some pictures back from the superstore the other day so all I have to do is mat them on the pages I created last week at my friends house. The pages are 12x12 and I do have some two page spreads in the album. I will try and post one tomorrow or Friday.

Last night I was at Stampin' Around's house for a Stampin' Up party. I had a good time and she had some wonderful snacks to boot!!! The nachos were Awesome!!!!!!

Here are the cards that we made at her house. The big blossom card is done using the technique Faux Shaving Cream. All you do is ink up your solid stamp and take a jumbo wheel and 'SMUDGE' ,that's Myleta's new technical word, off the ink. It is actually pretty cool. Stampin Thursdays blog has a card on done using this technique too I think??!! I was just there and I cant even remember!!! LOL but check it out!!!

So the winter mini catalogue is well over for us, the last order went in last night. I am so glad that I got the 'Big Pieces' stamp set. I love it , but you all know that by now too!!! The new spring mini catalogue is out and I cant wait to get my first order back from that!!! I love, love, love, love EVERYTHING in the catalogue!!! Well that's all for now folks. Thanks for stopping by!!!

Feb 18, 2007

Stamp Camp Projects

So here are some pictures from yesterdays stamp camp that I attended. The first picture is of some of the cards and other stuff we did. We made a 5x5 card using polka dots & daises, I really like that layout and that stamp set, then we made a card using delight in life and stickles, gotta get some of them now too. We made a card using carte postale, that's really fancy, that stamp set is growing on me too, and I have to make up my mind because the winter mini is coming to a end. Then we made a hot chocolate pouch to celebrate the MINWAX incident, and then a Chinese take out box!!! They were fun to make I feel a trip to Micheal's coming on!!!!

This picture is of a draw that I won and it was two cards. The first card uses the delight in life stamp set from sell-a-bration, and the other card uses polka dots and daises. They are just too cute!! I need to get one of the SU white gel pens they work so good, I am sick of buying those cheap ones that stop half way through yor project!!!

The next picture is of the stationary box we did. Love this idea and so great for a Xmas gift. Guess I gotta get on the ball!! Inside the box are four 41/4x51/2 cards with envelopes, four 3x3 cards with envelopes, a address book we altered and a beaded pen but I left mine at Happy Stampers, so f you are reading it I left it in your stamp room on the counter and it was covered using the dark purple paper with flowers on it!!! LOL

So that's it for now Enjoy!!!! I know I did!!!!

Feb 17, 2007

Stamp Camp.......

was such a fun time today!!! I want to say that Happy Stamper out did herself today once again. Not only were the projects AWESOME but the food was GREAT TOO!!!! And you all know that I love to eat. Happy Stamper came up with some great projects: Stationary set, that I have to get to the dollar store and get some boxes, Chinese Take-out Boxes, these were too cute, and a bunch of neat and awesome cards. So I am off to bed tired out from a fun filled day of stamping and gathering with old friends!! Thanks Happy Stamper for the fun times that you plan for all of you stamping students!!!:)

Feb 16, 2007

Shane's Card

Here is the card that I made for Shane. I used 'Cowboy Kid'. I seen a card like this on SCS and I really liked it so I decided to case it. For this card the card is Kraft paper then Cranberry Crisp, Old Olive, Buckaroo Blue, Choc. Chip, Close to Cocoa and Confetti Cream. Inks used were Black, Stazon, True Thyme, Buckaroo blue, and Watercolor Crayons. This was a fun card to make and I am sure that Shane will like it!!

Guess what tomorrow is?? STAMP CAMP at Happy Stampers Headquarters!!! YAYYYYY I am so excited. I have not been able to go to one for so long because I am always working. SO tomorrow I will post all of the wonderful projects that we make!!!

Feb 14, 2007

Birthday Cards For Shane

I was just on my friends blog Happy Stamper and here recent post was about this little boy who is dying from Leukemia, and his last wish is to make it into the Guinness Book of World Records for receiving the most birthday cards. I think that we should all pitch in and help him to get his wish. You can get more info HERE. So please lets make that possible weather it is a homemade card or a card you bought.

Happy LOVE Day!!!!

Well yes that special time of year has rolled around again, Valentine's Day. I hope that you all had a special and memorable day with someone special. My dear darling husband managed to find me a 'Wife' card, and there is a story behind that but we wont go there!!! And he brought me home a lovely bouquet of peach and yellow iris' after I told him I only wanted a 'Wife' card!!! Well that's why I love him!!!

Hate to disappoint you all but I do not have a Valentine card to share just a card from today's sketch challenge. The card is not the greatest as the scan mushed all the colors together. The colors are Cranberry Crisp, Certainly Celery, and Apricot Appeal. The stamp is the 'Cool Wheel' and the ink is Cranberry Crisp. Hope you enjoy, just a simple sketch challenge.

Oh yes and I want to give a special shout out to my SIL on the commencement of her new blog entitled appropriately "More than a CODmaker". Great wok sis!!!

Feb 13, 2007

Pumpkin Pie, Apricot Appeal and Mellow Moss Gift Set

Check out this totally cool gift set that I made today. It was yesterdays Technique Lovers Challenge on SCS. What you had to do was make four cards using a Color Combo, 1 Stamp Set, 1 Background Stamp, and 1 Sentiment Stamp Set. So for mine I used CC20 which was Pumpkin Pie, Apricot Appeal, and Mellow Moss. For the stamp set I used none other than Big Pieces!! Can't put that down. For the background stamp I used Canvas. And for the sentiment stamp set I used my new set called Small Sayings. I really like that set, it has little pictures to go with the sayings. I was kinda worried about the color combo, but I have to admit that I am really liking it. I haven't used Pumpkin Pie that much and I really like it used here. The tote bag was just something extra I made to put the cards in. It was last weeks Technique Lovers Challenge. I am having a lot of fun doing the daily challenges that are on SCS.

Tonight I went to my friends house and we scrapbooked. Well I did and they made some cards. I did two 12x12 single page layouts and I did a double 12x12 page. I got some layouts from Scrap Maps this is a cool site. Not only does it have scrap layouts but it also has card layout as well. So everyone should check it out!! I am going to try and post a link to my SCS Gallery if I can figure that out so hang with me!!!

Feb 11, 2007


So this card here I made for the weekly sketch challenge on SCS. It was a pretty easy one and it was a challenge to use up your scrap pieces of paper. But I picked colors of paper that I did not have any scraps and I had to cut into a perfectly new piece of c/s. I used Unfrogettable for this card. This set is one of my favs. The card base is gable green and I stamped Canvas on it with gable green, the scan does not pick it up very good. Next I cut a piece of tempting turquoise ans stamped it with On The Spot with the same color ink. Then I cut the two little pieces of paper, one is green galore and the other is tempting turquoise, and I put a silver brad though them, I stamped the dragonfly with basic black on whisper white and used my markers to color him in, mounted him on some ballet blue c/s. Stamped the frog on whisper white with basic black also, and the masked him. Luckily for me I already had a make of the dear froggie from last time!! I then stamped the mushrooms and then the flowers. I colored them in also with my markers. Then I thought it needed something else and I stamped the flower with basic black in the corner. That's all for now. I am off to make some picture frames my friend ordered.

Feb 8, 2007

Howdy Cowboy!

I seen this set of mine sitting on the table and I decided to dust it off!! I think that I only used this set once. It is called 'Cowboy Kid' I just had to have it when I seen it. It is so cute!! I think that it fits in with me because I consider myself a 'Cowgirl' when I am tearing around on my horse!! LOL. So for this card which is only 2, yes count em 2 layers, I first stamped the cowboy with Basic Black ink on to Whisper White paper. Basic Black is waterproof on Whisper White paper so it is safe for water coloring. Next I masked the cowboy, and no I am never cutting him out again, and started to stamp the paisley all over. Next I masked some of the paisleys got mad and said the H*L* with it and just sponged the Brocade Blue all over!! Water colored and there you have it one simple and somewhat easy card!!! LOL I was going to add some hemp on it but I think that it looks just fine.

Feb 7, 2007

Enchante Paper

So I decided to dig into the large growing stack of my patterned paper that I have sitting around here. I seen a card something like this on SCS by Chris Smith. So I decided to give it a go. The card is made out of mellow moss c/s, the next layer is some of the enchante d/s paper by Stampin' up. The bottom of the purple piece of d/s paper is scalloped using my corner rounder with the guard removed. Next I layered another piece of d/s paper on that. The flowers are stamped in Mellow Moss and Pale Plum and mounted on a piece of d/s paper that is on a piece of Pale Plum c/s. I added some white GG ribbon and a piece of stitched True Thyme ribbon. The Thyme ribbon does not really match, but you cant really tell in the pics. The stamp set that I used is from last years sell-a-bration and it is called 'Best Blossoms'. The 'Thank you for being you' is stamped in Pale Plum ink.

Oh yeah I uploaded a card on SCS for the first time last night. It was soooooo cool seeing my card on there and knowing that so many other people are looking at it too. My user name on SCS is Stampalot101 so if you see that name that is who I am!!

Feb 6, 2007

CC 100!!

Tuesdays are the weekly color combos for SCS. So I checked it out this morning and seen a sample card done by Emily .G. and just thought that I had to case it. So here is my version. The colors this week were blush blossom, choc. chip, and cool caribbean. This card also used last weeks or the week before sketch challenge. The blush blossom c/s is stamped with the 'Paisley' b/g stamp with blush blossom ink. I used Basic Grey 'Blush' Paper for the middle strip. On Emily's card she punched out the flowers with the circle punch and put them on the choc. chip. But I didn't have my circle punches so I did that. My card does not look near as good as the sample card for today's color challenge, but oh well I needed something to do. Well that's all for now, off to clean my stamping mess up!! LOL

Feb 5, 2007

Contest Entry

May favorite store ever, Two Much Fun, is having a contest. It is running from Feb 3 till the end of the month. It is called the "heart happy" Card & Page Contest. So I decided what the heck I think that I will enter it. All that you had to do was create a scrapbook page or card that had a heart on it. I know I bet you are all saying that I entered a card, WRONG, Yes ME I entered a scrapbook page. I was so pleased with myself. Last time when I was at Two Much Fun I picked up some of the new Basic Grey 'Blush' Paper, cause I was going to do a couple pages for my wedding book. I thought that the paper and the c/s that matched would be a good entry for this contest. I used my awesome chipboard accents from Stampin' Up, that I covered with the 'Basic Grey' paper to accent my page. So if anyone has a chance stop in at Two Much Fun and cast a vote!!

Oh yes the winner of the 'Big Pieces' card giveaway is......(drum roll).....OCTOBERNURSE. I got my husband to pick last night when I got home from work. Stayed tuned there will be another great giveaway coming up soon!!

Bye for now!!!

Feb 4, 2007

Baby Shower Today

Today there is a baby shower for my sister-in-law Victoria. She is due on the 16 of March, well that's one of her due dates. The doctors are not exactly sure when the baby is coming but Vic thinks that he is going to come on the 12 of March. I wish he would get here now. I am so excited for her and Dave, I am going to be Auntie Michelle and Chris will be Uncle Chris. I just love babies!!! So here are two cards I made for the baby shower. I made one for my mom and one for me. Don't forget the giveaway ends at 7:oopm tonight so leave me your comments. I will announce the winner tomorrow sometime. That's all for now!!

Feb 3, 2007

Love It!

Here is another card using my new set 'Big Pieces'. I seen this card yesterday on SCS and I just had to case it. I love the color combos, it was a old color combo that Emily came up with. I tried a new style today and that is the card size of 4.25x51/2. It fits into your regular envelopes that you use. It is just cut down length ways of your c/s instead of width wise. I love this new format. So I made a whole bunch of them.

Feb 2, 2007

Big Pieces, and a GIVEAWAY!!!!

Yeah! I put together my new stamp sets that I got Wednesday night after I got home from work at 11pm! I just could not wait I had to have them ready for last night. So this is what I had came up with. I had seen a card like this off of SCS and I really liked it so I decided to case it but I changed it around. The original card was a 4.25x4.25 square I think?? Not sure and it was done using transparencies. So first I made the card base out of Tempting Turquoise, then the mat is choc.chip. Next I cut a piece of Loves me paper 1/4 smaller than the choc. chip, then I cut the transparency sheet 1 inch wider than the loves me paper, so you will have and over lap. Next I stamped the Big Pieces with Cotton White Stazon, this stuff does not smell as good as the black stazon :), next I put stick strip neat to the edge of the transparency and used my bone folder to fold it over the loves me paper, took the backing off of the sticky strip and stuck it to the paper. Did that for the other side. I did use sticky strip to stick that to the choc. chip, because it is a little heavy. Stamped one of the Big Pieces and put that on a piece of cho.chip c/s and put some Flirty ribbon attached with a staple to finish it off!!! I thought that it was pretty cute!!! I really like this new stamp set. I just may have to do another card tonight with it. So to celebrate I am doing a giveaway of this card. All that you have to do is leave me a comment about what is your favorite stamp set, or something that you enjoy alot!! The giveaway will stay opened until Sunday February 4, 2007, 7:00pm AST.

Feb 1, 2007

Goodies Have ARRIVED!!

Yesterday I went and picked up and prder from Happy Stampers house. I was getting really low on paper so I ordered some paper. And I just now realized that I am down to 2 sheets of chocolate chip c/s. That is my favorite c/s. Not only did I get paper but I got 'Big Pieces' from the winter mini catalogue!! I can not wait to use it. I have a card all lined up to do. And I also got 'Very Punny' from the sell-a-bration catalogue!!! I think that I will do something with that tonight too. But first off to get some grocries and run a few errands!!! Oh the joys of payday!!
So check back later for some pics!!

Jan 31, 2007

Picture Perfect

Yes I just could not hold off I had to upload a picture of one of my creations that I have been working on. It is a picture frame covered with patterned paper and jazzed up a bit with some ribbon. I got a whole bunch of these picture frames from Michaels, they were a bargain at only $1.50 each so I got 15 of them. I thought that they would be really good gifts. I think that Happy Stamper did something like this at one or her stamp camps, but she coverd the frame with white or vanilla c/s then stamped on it. I think that I am going to do one of them next. So all that I did for the frame was first I painted the outside edge with white paint and the I painted the inside edge of where the picture will go. Next I traced the frame on my patterned paper, for this frame I used my favorite paper line Chatterbox. The paper was Spruce Bouquet and it is in the Cottage group. Next I Mod Podge all over the frame and then I stuck the cut out paper on the frame, make sure you have the paper on the right spot cause if you dont it is almost impossible to move the paper, I made that mistake! Next I used the Mod Podge all over the paper to seal it, then I sanded the edges. Decorated it with some white GG ribbon and some mellow moss GG ribbbon that I dyed using a sponge dobber and a stampin spot. Well thats it pretty simple!! Enjoy!! (you can also find a tutorial on SCS on this under the resources heading)

Jan 30, 2007

New Creations.......

Where have I been? You all may be asking. I have been at my table making these wonderful creations, but you can not see them just yet!!!! You will have to wait a couple of days. I thought that I would post to say that I am still alive and all that stuff.
The house is comming along so good. We now have all four walls up. One of Chris' friends from his work came down on Sunday and helped him bord in two of the four walls. Yesterday the finished the other two walls, and now the are just putting the floor joice on the second level. Once that is done then the rafters will be comming and then the roof will be going on!! Wow I just can not believe how quickly a house can be built!!!

Jan 24, 2007

Diamond Fold Book

So here is something that is neat it is called a diamond fold book or a squash book. Codmaker showed me how to make these 2 years ago and I made a pile of them for Christmas. They are really simple and easy to do all they take is three pieces of 12x12 c/s some patterned paper two pieces of cardboard some adhesive ribbon and embellishments and about a 1/2 hour and you have a cool book. This is one that I had started a few months ago and I just put the covers on yesterday. Perhaps in the future I will post a tutorial??!! Anyone interested??

Well its a beautiful day today so I think that I will take my camera with me to take some pictures of the house!!!

Jan 23, 2007

Faux Paper Bag Class

Tonight I went to Happy Stampers stamp headquarters and she did a totally awesome class, it was called 'Faux Paper Bag'. For those of you that don't know you can make a really neat and SIMPLE scrapbook out of paper lunch bags (I just may attempt to throw one together in the next days) and make it look really good. But tonight we made a book out of patterned paper. I loved it because I am a paper collector and have so much I just do not know what to do with it!! Anyways it was really simple and I am so excited to make some of these for gifts. I just love going to Happy Stampers headquarters and seeing the good 'stuff' that she has made for us to make, as Martha Stewart would say: "It's a good thing!". So I just had to post a pic of the project.

Oh yes one more thing dear Happy Stamper got well shall we say a little tormenting about the Min wax incident that happened this weekend. For those of you who do not know about this check out her blog at the left. Well all for now.

Jan 21, 2007

Be Happy

I right at the moment have lots of stuff to be happy about. I have a wonderful husband, a awesome family, great friends, a silly cat and dog, my horse, my job, my stamping and stuff, my blog (because I am computer challenged) and my new house is finally under way!!!!!! Yes they put the first floor on yesterday. Chris just has to go and nail on some of the planks and then I can walk on it!!! I can not believe that it is finally under way. I am really starting to get excited, but we wont let Chris hear that, I think that he is really enjoying himself too!!

So for this occasion I decided to use my 'Be Happy' stamp set to create this card. I stamped the 'Paisley' B/G on Cool Caribbean C/S. Then I stamped the tag on white mounted it on CC, put a piece of chocolate GG ribbon and a silver brad. Next I stamped the flower on white with Certainly Celery. Then y the enjoy on white with Chocolate Chip. The front is mounted on Chocolate Chip. Well that's my creation today. Be sure to check back in!!!

Jan 18, 2007

Cool Caribbean

So today I opted for a quick card. I really like this layout, it is just so simple, and it also looks really good to no matter what stamp you use. I needed some more birthday cards so I made four of these today. I used the color challenge from two weeks ago which was: cool caribbean, basic black, and whisper white. These colors look good together. The main card is cool caribbean, then I put a strip of black, then on the white piece I wheeled the Cool wheel in cool caribbean, tied a white piece of ribbon and ta-da!! The sentiment is from the taggers dozen stamp set in the winter mini.

Better stay bundled up winter storm warning in effect for tonight!!!!

Jan 17, 2007

Just Hoppy!

Yes I know I promised to update my blog everyday, but the storm we had Monday made it impossible for me to get over that darn mountain, so I stayed at my mom and dad's overnight. So I am back. I'm glad to see that Happy Stamper and Codmaker enjoyed that card and the tale behind i. No I just have to make one with the penguin and the cod on it's head!! LOL!!

So it is -18 out right now. The builders were susposed to come today to put the firts floor on, but the opted not too beacuse it is so cold. So if it warms up tomarrow they will be there. I just put the dog out a little while ago and he came bounding back to the door. So it must be really cold out, because Rexx loves it outside.

Anyways, the card that I decided to post to day is from the color challenge from last week. The colors were: Gable Green, Pink Passion, and Lavender Lace. I really liked that combo. I am a bright kinda person. The white piece is stamped with paisley in gable green. Then I put a piece of lavender lace at the bottom. Stamped that cute little froggie on whisper whit colored him in with gable green, and the flowers pink passion and lavender lace. Mounted it on pink passion used my ticket punch, then dimensionaled him on. Ran a white piece of ribbon accross the two seams on the front. It is then mounted on pink passion. This idea is a combo of emilymomto3boys, and tashers off of scs.

Well thats all for now. Off to the stamping table for some more creations, but first gotta go put some wood in the fire, that should keep me busy today!!

Jan 14, 2007

This card is for you Codmaker!!

Well today I decided to pull out 'Polar Pals'. I have not used this set for so long, I think that I was last march break when me and Codmaker got together and had a all day stamp. Well there is a story behind this set and for those of you who do not know I will fill you in. We were all over at Happy Stamper's stamp headquarters and the winter mini catalogue had just been out and she decided to show us one on the new stamp sets. It was 'Polor Pals'. We were all like thats cute and went on our merry way. As the night progressed Happy Stamper pulled out one of the cards we were going to be making. It was with 'Polar Pals'. There were four penguins stamped in a row and then one of the penguins had a COD on it's HEAD!!!! Well we were all no good especially Codmaker. We, but most of all Codmaker, could not understand why the penguin had a cod on it's head. Now that I think of it I still don't know why the penguin had a cod on it's head.

Jan 13, 2007

Just one more

So I still had 'Loads of Love' sitting out and I decided that I just had to make one more card using this set. This is one of my favorite stamp sets because there are so many cards that you can make with it. And of course you can make them either male or female because of the little drivers that come in the 'Loads of Love Accessories'. So for this card I made some male birthday cards. I really don't have any in my collection. I used Buckaroo Blue paper from the in color collection, watercolored the trucks that are stamped on confetti cream paper with stazon and tore the bottom. I like to tear the paper it gives it a rustic look, or atleast I think so. Then I made a tag using the small tag punch, which I just love, on the tag it says "Driving by with a birthday hi" the picture is a little blurry. Wrapped some hemp twine around the card and put the tag on. Way to easy. I made three so I would have them on hand. So that's all for today. Hope you enjoy.

Jan 12, 2007

Loads of Love

Well now that christmas is over it's time to start focousing on the other holidays. For this card I dusted of 'Loads of Love' for a card I cased off of SCS. Except the one they did was with brocade blue. Here I used regal rose, approcot appeal, and whisper white. Images were stamped with stazon and colored with my awesome markers. Added a little ribbon, a brad and a tag and I was all set. I am not sure if I am going to use this for a valentines day card or for a female birthday card?? But anyways I have time to decide.

Happy Stamper put out a challenge on her blog asking us how many cards we thought we would make in a year. So I threw out a number of 225 I think, now I have to honour that so last night I made 2 cards, and this morning I made 2 more, so it looks like we have 221 left to go!! Wish me luck!!!