This is created for your enjoyment to show you some of my favorite things to do!

Jan 31, 2007

Picture Perfect

Yes I just could not hold off I had to upload a picture of one of my creations that I have been working on. It is a picture frame covered with patterned paper and jazzed up a bit with some ribbon. I got a whole bunch of these picture frames from Michaels, they were a bargain at only $1.50 each so I got 15 of them. I thought that they would be really good gifts. I think that Happy Stamper did something like this at one or her stamp camps, but she coverd the frame with white or vanilla c/s then stamped on it. I think that I am going to do one of them next. So all that I did for the frame was first I painted the outside edge with white paint and the I painted the inside edge of where the picture will go. Next I traced the frame on my patterned paper, for this frame I used my favorite paper line Chatterbox. The paper was Spruce Bouquet and it is in the Cottage group. Next I Mod Podge all over the frame and then I stuck the cut out paper on the frame, make sure you have the paper on the right spot cause if you dont it is almost impossible to move the paper, I made that mistake! Next I used the Mod Podge all over the paper to seal it, then I sanded the edges. Decorated it with some white GG ribbon and some mellow moss GG ribbbon that I dyed using a sponge dobber and a stampin spot. Well thats it pretty simple!! Enjoy!! (you can also find a tutorial on SCS on this under the resources heading)

Jan 30, 2007

New Creations.......

Where have I been? You all may be asking. I have been at my table making these wonderful creations, but you can not see them just yet!!!! You will have to wait a couple of days. I thought that I would post to say that I am still alive and all that stuff.
The house is comming along so good. We now have all four walls up. One of Chris' friends from his work came down on Sunday and helped him bord in two of the four walls. Yesterday the finished the other two walls, and now the are just putting the floor joice on the second level. Once that is done then the rafters will be comming and then the roof will be going on!! Wow I just can not believe how quickly a house can be built!!!

Jan 24, 2007

Diamond Fold Book

So here is something that is neat it is called a diamond fold book or a squash book. Codmaker showed me how to make these 2 years ago and I made a pile of them for Christmas. They are really simple and easy to do all they take is three pieces of 12x12 c/s some patterned paper two pieces of cardboard some adhesive ribbon and embellishments and about a 1/2 hour and you have a cool book. This is one that I had started a few months ago and I just put the covers on yesterday. Perhaps in the future I will post a tutorial??!! Anyone interested??

Well its a beautiful day today so I think that I will take my camera with me to take some pictures of the house!!!

Jan 23, 2007

Faux Paper Bag Class

Tonight I went to Happy Stampers stamp headquarters and she did a totally awesome class, it was called 'Faux Paper Bag'. For those of you that don't know you can make a really neat and SIMPLE scrapbook out of paper lunch bags (I just may attempt to throw one together in the next days) and make it look really good. But tonight we made a book out of patterned paper. I loved it because I am a paper collector and have so much I just do not know what to do with it!! Anyways it was really simple and I am so excited to make some of these for gifts. I just love going to Happy Stampers headquarters and seeing the good 'stuff' that she has made for us to make, as Martha Stewart would say: "It's a good thing!". So I just had to post a pic of the project.

Oh yes one more thing dear Happy Stamper got well shall we say a little tormenting about the Min wax incident that happened this weekend. For those of you who do not know about this check out her blog at the left. Well all for now.

Jan 21, 2007

Be Happy

I right at the moment have lots of stuff to be happy about. I have a wonderful husband, a awesome family, great friends, a silly cat and dog, my horse, my job, my stamping and stuff, my blog (because I am computer challenged) and my new house is finally under way!!!!!! Yes they put the first floor on yesterday. Chris just has to go and nail on some of the planks and then I can walk on it!!! I can not believe that it is finally under way. I am really starting to get excited, but we wont let Chris hear that, I think that he is really enjoying himself too!!

So for this occasion I decided to use my 'Be Happy' stamp set to create this card. I stamped the 'Paisley' B/G on Cool Caribbean C/S. Then I stamped the tag on white mounted it on CC, put a piece of chocolate GG ribbon and a silver brad. Next I stamped the flower on white with Certainly Celery. Then y the enjoy on white with Chocolate Chip. The front is mounted on Chocolate Chip. Well that's my creation today. Be sure to check back in!!!

Jan 18, 2007

Cool Caribbean

So today I opted for a quick card. I really like this layout, it is just so simple, and it also looks really good to no matter what stamp you use. I needed some more birthday cards so I made four of these today. I used the color challenge from two weeks ago which was: cool caribbean, basic black, and whisper white. These colors look good together. The main card is cool caribbean, then I put a strip of black, then on the white piece I wheeled the Cool wheel in cool caribbean, tied a white piece of ribbon and ta-da!! The sentiment is from the taggers dozen stamp set in the winter mini.

Better stay bundled up winter storm warning in effect for tonight!!!!

Jan 17, 2007

Just Hoppy!

Yes I know I promised to update my blog everyday, but the storm we had Monday made it impossible for me to get over that darn mountain, so I stayed at my mom and dad's overnight. So I am back. I'm glad to see that Happy Stamper and Codmaker enjoyed that card and the tale behind i. No I just have to make one with the penguin and the cod on it's head!! LOL!!

So it is -18 out right now. The builders were susposed to come today to put the firts floor on, but the opted not too beacuse it is so cold. So if it warms up tomarrow they will be there. I just put the dog out a little while ago and he came bounding back to the door. So it must be really cold out, because Rexx loves it outside.

Anyways, the card that I decided to post to day is from the color challenge from last week. The colors were: Gable Green, Pink Passion, and Lavender Lace. I really liked that combo. I am a bright kinda person. The white piece is stamped with paisley in gable green. Then I put a piece of lavender lace at the bottom. Stamped that cute little froggie on whisper whit colored him in with gable green, and the flowers pink passion and lavender lace. Mounted it on pink passion used my ticket punch, then dimensionaled him on. Ran a white piece of ribbon accross the two seams on the front. It is then mounted on pink passion. This idea is a combo of emilymomto3boys, and tashers off of scs.

Well thats all for now. Off to the stamping table for some more creations, but first gotta go put some wood in the fire, that should keep me busy today!!

Jan 14, 2007

This card is for you Codmaker!!

Well today I decided to pull out 'Polar Pals'. I have not used this set for so long, I think that I was last march break when me and Codmaker got together and had a all day stamp. Well there is a story behind this set and for those of you who do not know I will fill you in. We were all over at Happy Stamper's stamp headquarters and the winter mini catalogue had just been out and she decided to show us one on the new stamp sets. It was 'Polor Pals'. We were all like thats cute and went on our merry way. As the night progressed Happy Stamper pulled out one of the cards we were going to be making. It was with 'Polar Pals'. There were four penguins stamped in a row and then one of the penguins had a COD on it's HEAD!!!! Well we were all no good especially Codmaker. We, but most of all Codmaker, could not understand why the penguin had a cod on it's head. Now that I think of it I still don't know why the penguin had a cod on it's head.

Jan 13, 2007

Just one more

So I still had 'Loads of Love' sitting out and I decided that I just had to make one more card using this set. This is one of my favorite stamp sets because there are so many cards that you can make with it. And of course you can make them either male or female because of the little drivers that come in the 'Loads of Love Accessories'. So for this card I made some male birthday cards. I really don't have any in my collection. I used Buckaroo Blue paper from the in color collection, watercolored the trucks that are stamped on confetti cream paper with stazon and tore the bottom. I like to tear the paper it gives it a rustic look, or atleast I think so. Then I made a tag using the small tag punch, which I just love, on the tag it says "Driving by with a birthday hi" the picture is a little blurry. Wrapped some hemp twine around the card and put the tag on. Way to easy. I made three so I would have them on hand. So that's all for today. Hope you enjoy.

Jan 12, 2007

Loads of Love

Well now that christmas is over it's time to start focousing on the other holidays. For this card I dusted of 'Loads of Love' for a card I cased off of SCS. Except the one they did was with brocade blue. Here I used regal rose, approcot appeal, and whisper white. Images were stamped with stazon and colored with my awesome markers. Added a little ribbon, a brad and a tag and I was all set. I am not sure if I am going to use this for a valentines day card or for a female birthday card?? But anyways I have time to decide.

Happy Stamper put out a challenge on her blog asking us how many cards we thought we would make in a year. So I threw out a number of 225 I think, now I have to honour that so last night I made 2 cards, and this morning I made 2 more, so it looks like we have 221 left to go!! Wish me luck!!!

Jan 11, 2007

Eye Candy

So I am going to try and post a picture today I hope that this works!!! Awhile back when I went to the city I stopped at Photo Memories and seen these lunch boxes. I had seen one already decorated by Happy Stamper, and I just fell in love with them. So of course I had to get a few and see what type of damage I could do. The lunch Box is made by Provo Craft and all the paper and embellishments is by Stampin' Up! This lunch box is for my sister-in-law Victoria, she just loves anything that I make her, you could say she is a big fan. The reason I called this post 'Eye Candy' is the paper that I used remindes me of candy. The paper is 'Sarah' from the Stampin' Up! designer series paper. I love the pink and brown combos!!! The ribbon is 'Flirty' from the winter mini catalogue!!
I decided that I was going to put cards inside of it so I made little dividers to separate the cards and also put one in for envelopes. I used my handy dandy oval punch to make the divider catagories.

Jan 10, 2007

Ahhhh Yes!!

Well I just could not resist the temptation, I too had to get on the Blog band wagon!!! Everyday I start my morning with a cup of coffee and off to the computer to check out the many blogs that I read daily. So are friends from around and some are from away. But I am glad that I started this because I will be able to share my creations with you out there that will read this, and for this I am EXCITED!!!!!!! So this is the first post, have no idea what I am doing so just hang in there with me and I hope you will enjoy!!!!