This is created for your enjoyment to show you some of my favorite things to do!

Jan 10, 2007

Ahhhh Yes!!

Well I just could not resist the temptation, I too had to get on the Blog band wagon!!! Everyday I start my morning with a cup of coffee and off to the computer to check out the many blogs that I read daily. So are friends from around and some are from away. But I am glad that I started this because I will be able to share my creations with you out there that will read this, and for this I am EXCITED!!!!!!! So this is the first post, have no idea what I am doing so just hang in there with me and I hope you will enjoy!!!!


Just Plain Happy said...

That is the way I start my day too! It is like having coffee with friends but in your PJ's. i'll be checking in to see what you are creating! Have fun with your blog!

Michelle Marshall said...

Thanks I think that I will be having fun with my blog, this will give me an excuse to stamp all the time!!!!