This is created for your enjoyment to show you some of my favorite things to do!

Jan 30, 2007

New Creations.......

Where have I been? You all may be asking. I have been at my table making these wonderful creations, but you can not see them just yet!!!! You will have to wait a couple of days. I thought that I would post to say that I am still alive and all that stuff.
The house is comming along so good. We now have all four walls up. One of Chris' friends from his work came down on Sunday and helped him bord in two of the four walls. Yesterday the finished the other two walls, and now the are just putting the floor joice on the second level. Once that is done then the rafters will be comming and then the roof will be going on!! Wow I just can not believe how quickly a house can be built!!!

1 comment:

Just Plain Happy said...

Stopped in to see what you were up to! Will check back again! Have fun creating!