This is created for your enjoyment to show you some of my favorite things to do!

Mar 11, 2007

It been a while.....

Since my last post. I have to admit that I have been slacking in the card and scrap booking department!!! I did manage to make this totally awesome gift for my friend at work who is having a baby next month. I made her a altered paint can and packed it with lots and lots of goodies that hopefully will come in handy for her and her little bundle of joy.

I had a hard time trying to pick out baby stuff that was either boy or girl, she does not know what she is having. So I decided on some practical stuff like: wash cloths, a bib, a white diaper shirt, baby powder, baby wash, baby soap, baby shampoo, a bottle, and a little toy to finish it off. I also made a post it note holder and altered a pen but did not have any micro beads so it is just covered with paper. The note pad and pen are for her to write down any important milestones that happen and then all she has to do is put it in the pail and then when she goes to preserve them just get the pail and they are all there. I though that was a neat idea, I seen it on another blog that I check.

The paper that I used is from Basic Grey Lily Kate collection and used some non SU ribbon to decorate. I just love how this turned out. I traced my chipboard letters from SU and cut them out and stuck them to the front of the can, they spell BABY. I would have put the baby's name there but since she does not know what she is having I just put that there instead. For the cover I copied the verse from 'A New Little Someone' and put it on the cover. I love that stamp set, I think that I may have to get it. Don't know why but I really like it to make some baby cards with.

Well here's an update on my sister in law: Last Monday she was 1 cm dilated, today her husband had to take her to the hospital because she was showing some signs of early labour, but I guess that I was a false alarm because they sent them home. But a couple of hours after they got home the hospital did call and make sure that she was doing alright. I thought that was really nice of them to do that. So her due date is tomorrow, so hopefully soon I will be a Aunt!! I am so excited for them. I do have to cover those letters that I bought for them so they can put them in the baby's room.

Well guess that is all for now, kinda long seeing how its been a while. I'll try to post something tomorrow. I work 7-3 so hopefully I will be able to come home and do some paper stuff!!!

Till later!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice gift! That can must have surely been stuffed! Sure it was appreciated.
Speedy B